The Judge Daniel D’Alessandro Case FM-09-1928-14A

The following complaint was sent on 4/2/2015 to John Tonelli, Executive Director at the Supreme Court of New Jersey Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct (ACJC). A copy went to Judge D'Alessandro.

Pursuant to R. 2:15-8(a), the Committee shall review any written statement, criticism, or grievance that contains allegations regarding a judge of the Superior Court, Surrogate's Court,Tax Court or Municipal Court.

My last name, my son’s last name, the last name of my ex-wife and all information identifying my child have been concealed so as to not harm the child.

Sent via U.S. Overnight Express Mail


Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct

Hughes Justice Complex

25 W. Market Street

 PO Box 037

Trenton, NJ 08625-0037


Re: John C---------- vs. Anastasia L-------

Docket No. FM-09-1928-14A


Re: Judicial Complaint Against Hudson County Family Part Superior Court Judge Daniel D’Alessandro, J.S.C.



1. I am requesting that Family Part Superior Court Judge Daniel D’Alessandro, J.S.C. be removed from my case for anti-male gender bias, causing impossibility to perform with regard to compliance with his court orders that are fictitious and arbitrary. Based on his ridiculous, arbitrary, unsupported September 5, 2014 and November 18, 2014 Court Orders, Judge D’Alessandro has made me pay over 85% of my NET salary in pendente lite support. I was ordered to pay pendente lite, $2,350 per month for spousal support and $3,361 per month for child support. I was left with $1,419 per month to live in Hudson County, New Jersey (which said cost of living is between 300-400% of the poverty guidelines). Judge D’Alessandro is in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law. The New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3, are as follows:


  1. Code of Judicial Conduct, Canon 1: A Judge Should Uphold the Integrity and Independence of the Judiciary.

  2. Code of Judicial Conduct, Canon 2: A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety and the appearance of Impropriety in All Activities. A judge should respect and comply with the law and should act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary.

  3. Code of Judicial Conduct, Canon 3: A Judge Should Perform the Duties of Judicial Office Impartially and Diligently. The judicial duties of a judge take precedence over all other activities. Judicial duties include all the duties of the office prescribed by law. In the performance of these duties, the following standards apply:

A. Adjudicative Responsibilities.

(1) A judge should be faithful to the law and maintain professional competence in it. A judge should be unswayed by partisan interest, public clamor, or fear of criticism.

(2) A judge should maintain order and decorum in judicial proceedings.

(3) A judge should be patient, dignified, and courteous to litigants, jurors, witnesses, lawyers, and others with whom the judge deals in an official capacity, and should not permit lawyers, court officials, and others subject to the judge's direction and control to display impatience or discourtesy or to detract from the dignity of the court.

(4) A judge should be impartial and should not discriminate because of race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, language, marital status, socioeconomic status, or disability.

(5) A judge shall require lawyers in proceedings before the judge to refrain from manifesting, by words or conduct, bias or prejudice based upon race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, language, marital status, socioeconomic status or disability against parties, witnesses, counsel, or others.

(6) A judge should accord to every person who is legally interested in a proceeding, or that person's lawyer, full right to be heard according to law, and, except as authorized by law, neither initiate nor consider ex parte or other communications concerning a pending or impending proceeding.

2. The 2015 Federal Poverty Guidelines for New Jersey is $11,770 X 1.05 = $12,359 per year, or $1,030 per month for one person. I am left with $389 per month above the poverty guidelines to live in Hudson County, New Jersey, which requires 300-400% of the poverty guidelines to be able to sustain the ability to live there. This is a violation of the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCPA”), 15 U.S.C. §1673 et seq. This is already the law. It is not a matter of appeal, which is a long, lengthy, expensive, labrynthine process that wastes time and money. Judge D’Alessandro violated the New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3, by not upholding the integrity of the Court (violation of Canon 1), when he failed to respect, comply, and be faithful to the law (violation of Canons 2 & 3), by failing to act impartially and committing anti-male, gender bias (violation of Canon 3). The September 5, 2014 Order is attached as Attachment #1. The November 18, 2014 Order is attached as Attachment #2.

3. In his equally arbitrary and malicious January 6, 2015 Order, at paragraph 2, Judge D’Alessandro suspended my parental rights until further notice (in reality, it’s just sophistry and rhetoric for termination of parental rights). In the same part of paragraph 2 of the Order, it says “if the Defendant ALLOWS the Plaintiff to have parenting time, parenting time shall be supervised by Nick K--------------- , under the 9/5/14 Order.” It’s either I don’t have parental rights, or I do. Judge D’Alessandro is showing anti-male gender bias without ever conducting a parental rights custody or termination hearing. Judge D’Alessandro arbitrarily and capriciously suspended/terminated my parental rights under guise of supervised visitation, without any plenary hearing. The Judge had no “clear and convincing evidence” any abuse or neglect of the child was occurring. The New Jersey Supreme Court has held that visitation and custody encompass what is called “parental rights”. A total denial of both is equivalent to a termination of parental rights. Matter of Baby M, 109 N.J. 396, 451 (N.J. 1988). Judge D’Alessandro violated the New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 2 and 3, were judges are required to (Canon 2) respect and comply with the law, and (Canon 3) be faithful to the law and maintain competence in it.

4. As part of the same order, it is observed that Judge D’Alessandro makes further arbitrary and malicious threats of arrest of me for not surrendering my American and British passports, which he has no authority over. As for the fact I have to “surrender” my passports, I didn’t know that the government was at war with the people. I’ve heard such things, as the War Powers Act under President Lincoln was never rescinded, but I find it hard to believe that. If the U.S. or N.J. government is at war with its people, then maybe I and my son should apply for asylum with the Greek or British embassy, since I am Greek and British nationality. As a result of the issuance of an unconstitutional “civil” warrant against me for alleged failure to “surrender” my passports, the January 6, 2015 Order, paragraph 4, shows I will be arrested in court between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. This has a “chilling effect” on my substantive and procedural Due Process Rights and Rights Under Equal Protection of the Laws. This is a blatant attempt to find me in a “bad light” with the Court so the Court can justify that I’m acting in “bad faith” to favor Defendant mother. The Court cannot justify I’m acting in “bad faith” when Judge D’Alessandro is violating the very laws he swore to uphold, support and defend. These are violations of the New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3. A copy of the January 6, 2015 Court Order is attached as Attachment #3.

5. Judge D’Alessandro unequivocally violated Federal law in violation of his constitutional Oath of Office to uphold, support and defend the United States Constitution. Judge D’Alessandro has taken this Oath of Office at least twice—once when he became a lawyer, and secondly, when he became a public servant; a judge. N.J.S.A. 41:1-1 states unequivocally:


“Every person who is or shall be required by law to give assurance of fidelity and attachment to the Government of this State shall take the following oath of allegiance:

"I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New Jersey, and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the Governments established in the United States and in this State, under the authority of the people So help me God."”


This goes to further violations of the New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3, by showing lack of integrity, failing to uphold and follow the law, and acting with anti-male, gender bias against me.

6. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 41:1-2 states that including the Governor, “EVERY person who shall be appointed or elected to any office, legislative, executive or judicial, under the authority of this state, or to any office in the militia thereof, and every counselor, solicitor and attorney at law, shall, before he enters upon the execution of his trust, office or duty, take and subscribe the oath of allegiance prescribed by section 41:1-1 of this title.”


7. Under N.J.S.A. 41:1-3, “Every person who shall be elected, or appointed to any public office in this State or in any county, municipality or special district other than a municipality therein, or in any department, board, commission, agency or instrumentality of any thereof, and is required to take and subscribe an oath of office shall, before he enters upon the execution of his said office take and subscribe the oath of allegiance set forth in R.S. 41:1-1 and, in addition, (a) any specially prescribed official oath, or (b) if no text is specially prescribed for such oath of office, the following official oath of office: “I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully, impartially and justly perform all the duties of the office of according to the best of my ability. So help me God."”


8. Judge D’Alessandro never gave me a full and fair hearing as to the determination of my ability to pay the current 87% of my NET salary to Defendant. This is a violation of the New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canon 3(A)(6).


9. I am now being threatened with contempt and imprisonment for debt (in violation of the New Jersey Constitution, Article I, Section 13—Prohibition Against Imprisonment for Debt in ANY action). This is a violation by Judge D’Alessandro of the New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for violating my fundamentally protected constitutional Liberty Rights under the United States Constitution and New Jersey Constitution.


10. Judge D’Alessandro has also threatened to incarcerate me for not turning over my American and British passports. He has no legal authority to order me to turn over either of my own passports, especially my British passport. He has yet to submit any relevant findings of fact supported by any relevant conclusions of law to support his threats. In fact, he has never submitted any RELEVANT findings supported by RELEVANT law to support any of his orders. Judge D’Alessandro’s orders are arbitrary and capricious and are detrimental to my fundamentally secured Liberties. Judge D’Alessandro just blurts out that I’m going to pay and comply with these orders without any full and fair hearing, or without any ability-to-pay hearing. He just followed the mere false and fraudulent allegations of Defendant Anastasia L----- because she is a woman, while I can no longer afford an attorney after having to pay over 85% of my NET income. These violative and possibly criminal acts by Judge D’Alessandro are in violation of the New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law.


11. This is analogous to being pulled over on the side of the road by a police officer because I was speeding where he pulls out his gun and just executes me on the side of the road, without a ticket or any hearing whatsoever.


12. Because of Judge D’Alessandro’s narcissistic, arrogant, self-serving behavior I have been forced to leave New Jersey and reside in another state. I have been deprived of my parental rights and my rights to property and work. These threats by Judge D’Alessandro are violations of the New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for violating my fundamentally protected constitutional Liberty Rights under the United States Constitution and New Jersey Constitution.


13. I was ordered to move out of my residence at 77 Hudson Street, Apt. 2013, Jersey City, New Jersey and turn over possession of said apartment to Defendant, without any justification. I was ordered to pay all of her moving expenses without justification or cause. I was ordered to pay her pendente lite spousal support ($2,350.00 per month). I was ordered to pay all of her pendente lite Schedule A and B expenses ($4600.00 per month) without cause or justification—let alone any ability-to-pay hearing. This leaves me with nothing and forced me out into the street. This is legalized peonage and forced labor in violation of Federal laws, 18 U.S.C. §1581 :

(a) Whoever holds or returns any person to a condition of peonage, or arrests any person with the intent of placing him in or returning him to a condition of peonage, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. If death results from the violation of this section, or if the violation includes kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or the attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, the defendant shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or life, or both.

(b) Whoever obstructs, or attempts to obstruct, or in any way interferes with or prevents the enforcement of this section, shall be liable to the penalties prescribed in subsection (a);


And 18 U.S.C. §1589 (Forced Labor):

(a) Whoever knowingly provides or obtains the labor or services of a person by any one of, or by any combination of, the following means—

(1) by means of force, threats of force, physical restraint, or threats of physical restraint to that person or another person;

(2) by means of serious harm or threats of serious harm to that person or another person;

(3) by means of the abuse or threatened abuse of law or legal process; or

(4) by means of any scheme, plan, or pattern intended to cause the person to believe that, if that person did not perform such labor or services, that person or another person would suffer serious harm or physical restraint,

shall be punished as provided under subsection (d).

(b) Whoever knowingly benefits, financially or by receiving anything of value, from participation in a venture which has engaged in the providing or obtaining of labor or services by any of the means described in subsection (a), knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that the venture has engaged in the providing or obtaining of labor or services by any of such means, shall be punished as provided in subsection (d).

(c) In this section:

(1) The term “abuse or threatened abuse of law or legal process” means the use or threatened use of a law or legal process, whether administrative, civil, or criminal, in any manner or for any purpose for which the law was not designed, in order to exert pressure on another person to cause that person to take some action or refrain from taking some action.

(2) The term “serious harm” means any harm, whether physical or nonphysical, including psychological, financial, or reputational harm, that is sufficiently serious, under all the surrounding circumstances, to compel a reasonable person of the same background and in the same circumstances to perform or to continue performing labor or services in order to avoid incurring that harm.

(d) Whoever violates this section shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. If death results from a violation of this section, or if the violation includes kidnaping, an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, the defendant shall be fined under this title, imprisoned for any term of years or life, or both.


Herein, Judge D’Alessandro has violated by fundamentally secured Constitutional Rights, thus, violating the laws and constitutions he swore to uphold upon taking his Oath of Office. Judge D’Alessandro is in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law.


14. Judge D’Alessandro is the epitome of a “bully”. Bullying is outlawed in the State of New Jersey. I have committed no crimes or violence against my former wife, yet I am being treated like a criminal and being threatened with imprisonment for debt or imprisonment for inability to comply with a court directive. Just the mere fact of the jailing/imprisonment turns the entire divorce matter on its head into the nature of a quasi-criminal or criminal action, requiring full criminal due process including but not limited to, charges, indictment, right to competent, effective, appointed counsel, right to trial by jury, right to all substantive and procedural due process, including but not limited to, right to confront accusers and witnesses, right to testify free from fear of arrest, right to present evidence, right to appeal without threat of imprisonment to interfere with my appeal rights. By his violative, tyrannical and criminal acts, Judge D’Alessandro is in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law.


15. These matters involve laws that are already in place that Judge D’Alessandro is keenly aware of. These matters DO NOT need to be appealed because the law is the law, and Judge D’Alessandro is violating the law. He cannot just “willy-nilly” make up the law and rules as he goes along. Therefore, Judge D’Alessandro is in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law.


16. Judge D’Alessandro’s judicial discretion is limited by the fact he must consider the facts and the law first before he can make his arbitrary decisions. State of New Jersey v. Madan, 366 N.J. Super. 98 (App.Div. 2004) defines in detail what “judicial discretion” is. The exercise of judicial discretion "is not unbounded and it is not the personal predilection of the particular judge." State v. Madan, 366 N.J.Super. 98, 109, 840 A.2d 874 (App.Div. 2004). Rather, the nature of judicial discretion requires a trial judge to determine whether to act, and if so, to render a decision "guided by the spirit, principles and analogies of the law, and founded upon the reason and conscience of the judge, to a just result in the light of the particular circumstances of the case." Smith v. Smith, 17 N.J.Super. 128, 132, 85 A.2d 523 (App.Div.1951) (citations omitted), certif. denied, 9 N.J. 178, 87 A.2d 387 (1952). Moreover, the court must provide factual underpinnings and legal bases supporting the exercise of judicial discretion. See Madan, supra, 366 N.J.Super. at 110, 840A.2d 874, 881-882

“It has been said that judicial discretion is that discretion which is not and cannot be governed by any fixed principles and definite rules because the possible eventualities to be dealt with in the exercise of that power cannot be specifically catalogued. Such a definition obviously offends accuracy. Chief Justice Marshall in his decision rendered in Osborn v. [Bank of U.S.], 22 U.S. 738, 9 Wheat. 738, 866, 6 L.Ed. 204 (1824), stated: `Judicial power is never exercised for the purpose of giving effect to the will of the judge; always for the purpose of giving effect ... to the will of the law.'


Lord Mansfield had said in Rex v. Wilkes, 4 Burr. 2527, that judicial discretion `means sound discretion, guided by law. It must be governed by rule, not by humour. It must not be arbitrary, vague and fanciful, but legal and regular.'

Perhaps a more accurate composite definition is that `judicial discretion' is the option which a judge may exercise between the doing and the not doing of a thing which cannot be demanded as an absolute legal right, guided by the spirit, principles and analogies of the law, and founded upon the reason and conscience of the judge, to a just result in the light of the particular circumstances of the case. 23 Words & Phrases 278;Brandon v. Montclair, 124 N.J.L. 135, 11 A.2d 304 (Sup.Ct.1940),affirmed 125 N.J.L. 367, 15 A.2d 598 (E. & A.1940)Beronio v. Pension Comm'n of Hoboken, 130 N.J.L. 620, 33 A.2d 855 (E. & A.1943);Hoffman v. Maloratsky, 112 N.J. Eq. 333, 164 A. 260 (E. & A.1933).

And so it is universally recognized that the authority to exercise judicial discretion is not an arbitrary power of 882*882 the individual judge, to be exercised when, and as, his caprice, or passion, or partiality may dictate, or forsooth as his vindictiveness or his idiosyncrasies may inspire.

[Smith v. Smith, 17 N.J.Super. 128, 132, 85 A.2d 523 (App.Div.1951),certif. denied, 9 N.J. 178, 87 A.2d 387 (1952)accord Amo v. Genovese,17 N.J.Super. 109, 111-112, 85 A.2d 529 (App. Div.1951), certif. denied,9 N.J. 181, 87 A.2d 576 (1952).]

Similar thoughts have been expressed in other decisions. See, e.g., McFeely v. Bd. of Pension Comm'rs of City of Hoboken, 1 N.J. 212, 215, 62 A.2d 686 (1948) (stating that judicial discretion cannot be arbitrary or capricious); Annichiarico v. Mobilite, Inc., 19 N.J.Super. 492, 496-497, 89 A.2d 89 (App.Div.1952) (declaring that judicial discretion not properly exercised and which affects a party's substantial rights, may be reversed). In Wasserstein v. Swern & Co., 84 N.J.Super. 1, 6, 200 A.2d 783 (App.Div.), certif. denied, 43 N.J. 125, 202 A.2d 700 (1964), we said:

Preliminarily, it may be said that judicial discretion means legal discretion in the exercise of which the court must take account of the law applicable to the particular circumstances of the case and be governed accordingly. Implicit is conscientious judgment directed by law and reason and looking to a just result. Sokol v. Liebstein, 9N.J. 93, 99, 87 A.2d 1 (1952)Kavanaugh v. Quigley, 63 N.J.Super. 153, 158, 164A.2d 179 (App. Div.1960). Consequently, if the trial judge misconceives the applicable law or misapplies it to the factual complex, in total effect the exercise of legal discretion lacks a foundation and becomes an arbitrary act.”

Judge D’Alessandro has not done this. He uses his own personal biases and hatred of this litigant first, and then fits the facts and the law to into his personal biases, which is an improper and criminal use/abuse of discretion. Here, Judge D’Alessandro is in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law.

17. On April 15, 2014 I filed for divorce requesting joint legal/residential custody of my son. On July 10, 2014 I moved out of my apartment fearing my wife’s dilatory actions against my freedoms and well being. She was very violent, by not letting me sleep, threatening me, harassing me, emotionally abusing my son in front of me, and calling the police on false pretenses to get a bogus restraining order against me in order to obtain unfair advantage in the divorce and child custody proceedings.

18. I had arranged for rent/utilities/student loans/mortgages/health insurance to be paid for my wife and our son. (close to $4,000.00 per month), and I ensured the well-being of my son. My wife was earning $800.00 per month as a baby-sitter, which covered the remaining few expenses. My wife took out over $21,000 of our joint assets to pay for her attorneys’ fees.

19. On July 17, 2014 my wife filed for temporary pendente lite support that left me totally financially destitute. She asked for $6,599.00 per month in support. My NET was $7,100.00 per month before 401k deductions). She submitted her filing to have me pay $10,645 to her lawyer (after stealing $21,000 out of marital joint assets to pay her lawyer). My own legal fees skyrocketed because of this frivolous meritless litigation storm. Judge D’Alessandro ordered the spousal and child support requested. He then ordered me to pay $7,500 towards my wife’s attorneys’ fees. This was “double-dipping” as my wife already stole $21,000 from marital assets to pay her attorneys’ fees. Under threat of imminent jail time by Judge D’Alessandro’s September and November 2014 Orders and the January 2015 Order, I became scared and emotional and left the country.

20. Our own purportedly fair United States family court system threw me out of the country because of its draconian, punitive, tyrannical methods. The family courts are akin to the Star-Chamber proceedings. As a result, these threats by Judge D’Alessandro are violations of the New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for violating my fundamentally protected constitutional Liberty Rights under the United States Constitution and New Jersey Constitution.

21. I returned in August of 2014, approximately 3 weeks after I left the United States. I did this under the threat of being thrown in jail. I did this to prove that the temporary support awards were draconian and so far wide of the mark as to be beyond reality, and that the support order was a fictitious, arbitrary decision based on anti-male gender bias. That is when Judge D’Alessandro cut me off from having contact with my son by his September 5, 2014 Order, and leaving parenting time up to the whim of my wife. My fundamentally secured parental rights are not left to the whim of one parent over the other, and the Court does not have authority to terminate parental rights without an immediate full-blown hearing. The Court just cannot rely on mere allegations of one litigant over the other without proofs to support their positions. To do so is an arbitrary and tyrannical excess of power that no public official should be allowed to have. The State has failed to show “clear and convincing evidence” that I committed any child abuse or neglect of my son. Therefore, I must be given immediate and equal parenting time according to the laws of this State, N.J.S.A. 9:2-4: “The Legislature finds and declares that it is in the public policy of this State to assure minor children of frequent and continuing contact with both parents after the parents have separated or dissolved their marriage and that it is in the public interest to encourage parents to share the rights and responsibilities of child rearing in order to effect this policy.In any proceeding involving the custody of a minor child, the rights of both parents shall be equal.”

22. Judge D’Alessandro’s greatest blow to my son, which I construe as the Judge committing emotional, psychological, and even physical child abuse was that he allowed my wife de facto not to seek employment opportunities by granting her almost $7,000 per month in support, and leaving me destitute. My wife had a $75,000 per year career. She is of the entitlement mindset that she won’t have to go back to work for at least 5-10 years given that she has been given a “windfall” being extracted/extorted from me. UNDER ANY OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES THIS WOULD CONSTITUTE CRIMINAL AND CIVIL RACKETEERING. Here, Judge D’Alessandro is in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law by acting anti-male, gender biased and compelling my wife to start seeking out employment commensurate with her past earning history of $75,000 annually.

23. I was forced into unconstitutional supervised visitation (which is paid for by taxpayers like me to be used against us) when there is no compelling state interest to put me on supervised visitation. The “supervisor” in the case was unable to drive 1.5 hours to supervise me and I was forced to be supervised by my wife. This has resulted into de facto termination of my parental rights because my wife is totally recalcitrant. She has become irrational and communication and cooperation has become non-existant. Instead of listening to these violations by Defendant, which are causing my son to suffer abuse at the hands of Defendant, the Court is too busy attacking me as a “criminal” in its anti-male, gender biased manner. Judge D’Alessandro’s acts have departed from reality and his tyrannical conduct, in violation of the laws he swore to uphold, protect, and support, constitutes theft of honest services. Judge D’Alessandro is in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law.

24. Instead of Judge D’Alessandro looking at the facts and conducting an ability-to-pay hearing leaving me with adequate resources to live on, instead chose the lazy, incompetent path, and “punted”. He impoverished me at the expense of my son. When I could not recover financially and emotionally from this, he piled on and turned me into a “CRIMINAL”. I have never been convicted of a crime or committed violence against my wife. I am being criminalized by a rogue judge in a rogue court system. I cannot fight this system without money and Judge D’Alessandro has turned his Court into a Star-Chamber. Judge D’Alessandro conducts his courtroom with the same practices of the Star Chamber, and has many of the characteristics of an inquisitorial system. Compelled testimonies are not willful or meaningful; the right to counsel is routinely violated; and litigants are not advised of the consequences of either waiving their constitutional right to counsel or of giving up their right to a trial, or right to speak or not to speak before being subjected to tyrannical orders and threats of jail for inability to comply with orders. In 1937, Dean Pound wrote: The powers of the Star Chamber were a trifle in comparison with those of our juvenile courts . . . . Departures from established principles of due process have frequently resulted not in enlightened procedure, but in arbitrariness. (quoting Roscoe Pound, Foreword to Pauline V. Young, Social Treatment in Probation and Delinquency xxvii (1937)). In this case, it’s the family courts making the Star-Chamber looking like a trifle. Judge D’Alessandro is in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law.

25. On October 3, 2014 I filed a Supplemental Certification with the Court proving I was no threat to my son. At Appendix “J” of that Certification I attached a notarized affidavit/letter from Dr. Nikolaos K---------------, M.D., OB/GYN, stating I am not a threat to my son. I attach a true copy of my Supplemental Certification as Attachment #4.

26. On October 17, 2014 I filed a letter to Judge D’Alessandro that I was unable to find a job, after losing my other good-paying job, and was diligently looking for work, and that my wife had been evicted from the Jersey City apartment because of my inability to pay. In that letter I proved that Defendant was not truthful at the September 5, 2014 hearing regarding her claimed inability to pay the $7,500 in lawyers’ fees. Even though I wanted to supplement the record with this factual information, this was totally ignored by the Judge. Judge D’Alessandro is in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law. I attach a true copy of the October 17, 2014 letter as Attachment #5.

27. On November 1, 2014, I filed another letter informing Judge D’Alessandro of the harassment of my son by my wife as well as her harassment of me and my family members. The information presented in the letter evidences ongoing psychological and emotional abuse of my son. Judge D’Alessandro ignored the letter even though it alleges domestic violence against me by my wife and emotional/psychological child abuse by my wife against my son. Judge D’Alessandro, as a public official, is a mandated child abuse reporter pursuant to N.J.S.A. 9:6-8.10. Judge D’Alessandro is NOT acting in the best interest of the child, but is allowing the ongoing emotional/psychological abuse of my son. Given this, and the totality of the circumstances outlined in the foregoing paragraphs, Judge D’Alessandro must be removed from my case for anti-male, gender bias, perpetrating child abuse by not reporting it to the appropriate authorities, and failing to conduct any substantive or procedural Due Process regarding my financial state of affairs. Judge D’Alessandro is in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law. I attach a true copy of the November 1, 2014 letter as Attachment #6.

28. On or about November 10, 2014 I was able to land a job for $120,000 annually. However, this was $25,000 less per year than I was making before. Because of Judge D’Alessandro’s onerous pendente lite support orders, I would have been unable to pay the support obligations whether I made more money or what I was making now. By not taking into consideration my ability to pay and having a fact-finding hearing showing findings of fact and conclusions of law, instead of basing his rulings on colloquy and suppositions with my wife’s attorney, I was deprived of Due Process. Hence, the reason I panicked under threat of arrest and left New Jersey for 3 weeks to clear my head and try to find a way out of this mess. I would have never believed that the family courts could be such a terribly organized association in fact enterprise of thieves and bullies. Because of his violative acts, Judge D’Alessandro is in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law.

29. On November 14, 2014 the hearing was held to lift the shared custody order. The Judge TOTALLY IGNORED my pleas. He did not even bother to address my certification in Court. Instead, my wife’s lawyer hijacked the session and claimed that my wife was being evicted because I failed to pay the rent. I had paid every single month before that except the October one because I run out of money (due to the lawyer fees generated from the temporary support motion). I told the Judge that I had just found a job and that if he allowed me to keep going to work, on Dec 10th I would have been able to resume financial support BUT that due to the whole temporary support process the expenses are so high that it would be impossible for me to manage them and that both my wife and I had to move to less expensive residences. To address the eviction issue:


   a. I suggested that temporarily my wife and son could move to our residence in Maryland. The Judge ignored me.


   b. I suggested they temporarily move to her cousin in NJ. He asked me if I knew where the cousin’s address was. I said I do not recall but we can ask the Defendant. The Judge then said: “If you don’t know then don’t offer this as a solution”!!!!! That criminal did not even bother to ask my wife where her cousin was.


   c. The Judge then threatened me with jail time and told me to come back in 4 days with over $20,000. He ignored my right to go to work, he totally ignored my son’s need to see me. As if a father means nothing to a kid.


  d. I told the judge that if he keeps bringing me back to Court my salary on December 10 will be reduced. He mocked me, he played God stating: “While it is true you should be at work today, while it is true you should be at work on Tuesday, it is true that you can’t because you have to be here and I don’t see anything in the motion to suggest that it is harassing you”. This criminal denied my right to work. I was struggling and striving to bring money in to support my kid and this criminal denied my right to do so. How many fathers has this crook destroyed? How many kids has he left orphan!? November 14, 2014 Transcript available upon request.


  e. This purported “Judge” ignored my supervisor’s notarized statement that I am not a threat, that I am an excellent father, ignored that I had a stellar life, no issues with the law, incredible professional references, a stellar career with not a single day of being unemployed, proof that I was spending tens of hours a week with my son and he claimed that there was no strategy from my wife to bring me to my knees and have me evicted and arrested. 


  f. The Judge kept falsely accusing and misrepresenting in court my saying regarding what caused all this. The temporary support motion and my ex wife caused all this. I had everything arranged for my son to stay in his apartment, I was paying for his rent and 90% of his expenses and my ex wife’s expenses till I was hit with the insane demands of this Judge to hand over 84% of my income. And this criminal comes back and reprimands me multiple times in the Court hearing saying “As you noted before, the situation started with you quitting a good job, leaving the country and stating that you were not coming back and I thought before you acknowledged the crisis you created.” That criminal was reinstating the defense’s false accusatory stance. No Judge! The crisis was created when the temporary support was filed and you accepted the insane demands of the Defendant. Till then, before I broke down before your failing Family court system I had arranged for everything to be right so that my kid could enjoy the exact same quality of life he had before. But you fell victim of a mentally unstable wife, a bitter wife, a wife that wanted to destroy me because I simply denied her. You are incompetent and an orphan maker. You did not even stop to wonder that “this is a 13 year old professional I have in front of me, without a single day of unemployment in his life, why would such a person, a person that spends so many hours with his child (as detailed in the certification that you failed to read), why would such a person quit his job? Could it be that this woman is over jealous, could it be that this woman puts her hatred above her child’s well being”? You are either incompetent or there is a dirty deal you have made with the Defendant’s lawyer. 


  g. I offered a solution to the current crisis. While I was working in the past 3 years like a dog, my ex wife had a puffy 401K fund accumulating, growing to $15,000, money that I enabled her to have while I had cut off my 401K (another indication that I did everything for my ex wife and son even denying my right to a pension fund). These were joint assets. I asked the Judge to use half of that to pay off the rent and avoid eviction. The criminal Judge ignored it, my kid would have still enjoyed his house today if that biased criminal had allowed us to do what was right. But this Judge failed all of us by saying: “I don’t see a fund or any way or anything I can attach to get $7,500.” Judge D’Alessandro could not ignore my wife’s financial circumstances yet hold me to a higher and different standard that impoverished me.


  h. Then he accused me of paying my rent and not my lazy wife’s. So what did this Judge offer? What should I have done, not pay any rent? How would I had continued working if I had nowhere to live? My ex wife had enough money to pay the rent for one month. But this Judge sold her false promises that he could somehow put me in jail and force me to borrow tens of thousands of dollars to bail her out. I did what was financially prudent. Borrowing is not a solution, it is a conviction to misery, pain, and suffering for myself and my kid.


  i. The common pattern that this Judge followed, the crime behind this was that this Judge was ensuring my son would grow up with indebted parents. His solution to everything was: “Borrow more money” borrow, borrow, borrow and let’s solve problems like that”. He did not even bother to come up with a normal solution, he did not accept any of my viable solutions. Judge D’Alessandro’s greatest crime was his intention to put us in debt, as a family. My son would have been in debt because I would have been in debt and I would not have been able to offer him what he deserved. All the beautiful things I had been offering him for the past 3 years till that Judge stepped in. The reason I suspect this Judge has acted in concert with and made a dirty deal with my wife’s attorney, Brad Micklin, Esq., was because in a Freudian slip he stated “…and even if he borrows another $7,500, we’re going to be back here again December 1”. He acknowledged the dead end of his approach, and what did he do at the end….he asked me to do what he acknowledged as the false thing to do, the easy way out…BORROW MORE MONEY OR ELSE!! 


  j. If you read the transcripts, you will notice how the Judge and the Defendant’s lawyer were casually talking about putting me in jail, as if that kid had no right to his father, as if I am a common criminal because I did not pay $5,700 in temporary support but instead I paid $4,000 and that for them gives them the right to treat me like an animal, like a common criminal. They were casually discussing how they will destroy my life as if a life is nothing. 


  k. The Judge then threatened me and lied about what was going on by saying: “You’ve disobeyed the order of that Court. If you don’t pay what you were supposed to pay I’ll schedule you for a hearing to decide whether or not you knowingly and willfully failed to pay a Court order and then I’ll decide what the sanctions are. The sanctions could include….remand to the County Correctional Center do you understand?” did this Judge even bother to read my letters, my certification? Doesn’t he know I was unemployed? What is he talking about? He is going to put me in jail because I had a breakdown lost my job and I have no income? And he is threatening me with jail time?!!! As if I am a common criminal!? I thought this was a civil court, not a criminal court. I thought one cannot be arrested in a CIVIL matter because there is no FOURTH AMENDMENT PROBABLE CAUSE to arrest someone for committing a “criminal” act. I am fighting to maintain the quality of life of my son and I have this animal depriving him of me and threatening me, harassing me, not letting me go to work and he acts as if he is a Saint!


  l. I try to reason with him, I am polite, throughout the transcript I am in awe of the surrealistic, Woody Allen type of movie this court is playing. It reminds me of Kafka’s “The Trial”.


  m. Then the Judge asks “Do you think it is fair that she should move when you didn’t obey a Court order?” If there was no court order my kid would still have had a home. The court order caused all this, empowering the defendant to ask for $5,700 and racking up lawyer fees ensured this disaster would happen. I had arranged for my kid to enjoy his apartment and this Judge destroyed everything. And now he comes back and mocks me like this, as if he is talking to a 10 yr old.


By Judge D’Alessandro failing to address and consider my points, and ignoring them altogether, my fundamentally secured substantive and procedural Due Process Rights and Rights Under Equal Protection of the Laws was violated. Judge D’Alessandro is, therefore, in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law.


30. As the ACJC will note, the hearings these vile comments were made occurred on November 14, 2014 and November 18, 2014. Both times I was pro se because I could not afford a lawyer. By his own prejudicial comments which have egregiously tainted this case against me, Judge D’Alessandro is, therefore, in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to show impartiality, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law. See Transcripts of November 14, 2014 and November 18, 2014 attached as Attachment #7 and Attachment #8, respectively.

31. On November 18, 2014, unable to find the money, I went to court without shoe laces, without a belt, without a phone or wallet, only with a list of phone numbers, ready to go to jail. The Judge became delusional and made the following insane demands:

  1. He asked for both my passports making me unable to ever leaving the US if I wanted to visit my sick mother in Europe.

  2. He deprived me of seeing my son, he did not even discuss it. Why? Because I had no money to pay a luxury apartment? Who says that poor people should be denied access to their kids? Who says that poor kids should be denied a father?!

  3. He asked me to come up out of thin air with over $20,000 in 12 days or else go to jail.

  4. He asked me to continue paying 84% of my PREVIOUS SALARY which was 87% of my current net salary (my new current salary is $6,500/yr. NET).

  5. He enabled my wife’s lawyer to ask for my arrest warrant on Dec 1 if I did not meet any of these unrealistic demands.

  6. He denied my right to go to work the next morning by demanding I skip work and apply for probation. How many employers do you believe would keep a professional that has to go to Court every day on their first week?

  7. I offered for my son and wife to come over and stay to my place till I find another residence. He ordered me out of my apartment effective the next day at 6pm! He threw me on the streets!!

Judge D’Alessandro is in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to show impartiality, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law.

32. I was ok with going to jail, but I was not ok with not being able to leave New Jersey after I was left without a job, a home, and any type of income. What good would I have been for my son if I was left homeless, with no assets, on the streets, after potentially being harmed in jail? I have no family nor close friends in NY/NJ. I had nowhere to go. This Judge ORDERED me out of my son’s life. Judge D’Alessandro is, therefore, in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to show impartiality, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law.


33. Even though I raised the issue before the Court, Judge D’Alessandro did nothing about my wife lying about her ability to pay her lawyer’s fees. Not only that, but as you can read in the November 18, 2014 Transcript, he told me regarding these letters “….you have created your situation. Don’t make it worse”. (Transcript, pg. 36 , lines 1-6 ). I consider this insane! DON’T MAKE IT WORSE??? I am providing information about what is going on, information defending my case, and this criminal purportedly acting as a Judge is threatening me for doing so! He is denying my right to defend myself. Judge D’Alessandro is, therefore, in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to show impartiality, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law.


34. I had nowhere to go, I had to hand my keys the next day at 6pm and my passports. My closest friends were in states half way through the country. I had nowhere to go and $300 in the bank. I realized that if I stayed in the state my son would never see me again. I would be homeless, imprisoned, destroyed for life. I left to fight another day.

35. On December 12 2014 my ex wife filed a frivolous certification asking for my mother to become a co-plaintiff. Specifically she stated: “Additionally, it is respectfully requested that the Plaintiff’s mother be joined in this matter as a necessary party….Plaintiff’s mother must be brought into this action as she is supporting him and his plan to grind me into submission financially” And in a separate memorandum to the Judge Brad Micklin (the Defendant’s lawyer) wrote: “Join the plaintiff’s mother as a necessary party, Pursuant to R.4:28-1(a) a person is subject to service of process shall be joined to the action if:…”. On the hearing of December 22 2014 JUDGE D D’Alessandro GRANTED THIS REQUEST!!!!! (See December 2, 2014 transcript, pg. 34 , line 1). This is abusive. The Court has no authority to grant filing against my mother in Greece. Judge D’Alessandro is, therefore, in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to show impartiality, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law.


36. This criminal who purports to be a Judge, who is part of the crime syndicate enterprise in Hudson County, along with conspirator Brad Micklin, Esq., has now made my 65-year old mother a co-plaintiff. She is the woman that was paying for my ex wife’s and son’s rent (August/ September 2014) while I was in a hardship. A woman that is not even in the same Country and is not even an American citizen. The Court has no jurisdiction or authority in bringing my 65-year old mother into the case. They can try, but it will get nowhere in Greece. A woman who is a pensioner in a bankrupt country (Greece). A 65 year old lady who has been working all her life. He wants to destroy the only other person that cared about my son. What was her crime? She helped my bitter, vicious, psychopathic wife. Judge D’Alessandro is, therefore, in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to show impartiality, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law.


37. Judge D’Alessandro has done everything he could for my son to be left without a source of income. That shows not only his insanity but he is supporting the evil nature of my ex wife. She went after the only person that was voluntarily helping her till that time . My wife forced my mother to borrow $10,000 in order to hire an attorney to defend herself instead of giving that money to support my son. By his anti-male, gender bias and bullying of a 65-year old woman, Judge D’Alessandro is delusional, biased, and incompetent—all violations of Canons 1, 2 and 3. This is the reason he MUST be removed from my case.

38. On November 22, 2014 Judge D’Alessandro issued an arrest warrant against me and denied any access to my son, even via Skype! He punished a 3 yr old child because his parents were not getting along. He denied the right of a 3yr old kid to talk to his father. His reasoning…I did not hand him my passports. I don’t have to. The Court has no jurisdiction or authority to take my passports. This is nothing more than “bullying” by this PETTY TYRANT. He is the reason my son has been deprived of any potential source of income and of a father. He puts his insane authority above the psychological well being of my child, as if I had some history of violence against my kid. A criminal he is indeed. Judge D’Alessandro is, therefore, in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to show impartiality, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law.


39. In addition Judge D’Alessandro fabricated events and ridiculed me during the

hearing as follows, he made up things to make me appear under a bad light. What is his motivation I ask? (December 22, 2014 Transcript, pg. 37, line 3).


  1. Judge: “…it was his idea to have her move into his apartment and he would move out of his apartment to let her and their child move in”.

No Judge, it was not my idea to move out of my apartment with a 24-hr notice. After you spit on my face every other viable option and threatened me with jail time, I offered my child and ex to move into my place until I find somewhere to go. You, instead, threw me out of my place on the street with a 24-hr notice. On Nov. 14, 2014 I had told you that I had nowhere to go.

  1. Judge: “The plaintiff inexplicably objected to the adjournment for reasons unknown to me...”

Judge D’Alessandro is, therefore, in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to show impartiality, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law.


40. Again the Judge diminishes the importance of this action. The Defendant had our agreed settlement for over 3 weeks (although I had offered her a same day settlement on the things we had agreed jointly). The defendant was not planning to respond because as my lawyer stated: “The reason my client was in the middle about the adjournment was because he said if we have a settlement then I’ll see my son and it can happen right away. If we don’t then I want the Court to rule on this because it’s my client’s belief that she’s been using the support issues to further her goal to hurt the father/son relationship.” That is exactly what my ex wife was doing. She did not want a settlement she wanted my prosecution when January rolled around and she was just delaying the settlement.


41. December 2, 2014 Transcript, p.24 starting with line 24, very well states what is going on. This Judge has no excuse for what he then proceeded in doing. My lawyer at the time, Maggi Maksoud, Esq., clearly stated to the Judge what was going on further down in the hearing. The Judge ignored her: “Your Honor, as we state in my client’s certification, he’s under medication, he is ill. He has asked her directly, let me see my son. I don’t get to see my son, the more you fight me the more sick I am, the less I’ll be able to work. The more you fight me with respect to all this money you want me to pay that I don’t have, the less I’ll be able to work. Both of those things he has said to her. They are taking random statements out of context and trying to say he is a bad guy. Your Honor, this is a family case. I think dollars and cents are looked at and we would request an ability to pay. How long has he been out of work? How much money did these parties have in their joint account when they separated? How much is Miss L----- earning now? These are things, your Honor, that need to be answered prior to some arrest warrant going on this early into the proceedings. Miss L----- still has a roof over her head. My client, even though unemployed and accruing lots of debt from people he’s borrowing from, who can come into court under oath and show the money they lent him, she has somewhere to stay. Your Honor, and he is paying for that. So, I don’t believe that a warrant at this point for an unemployed man is --- is reasonable”


42. So without a basis to issue an arrest warrant for me on the actual facts, the “Judge”, having already some type of agenda in his mind, some type of secret deal with Brad Micklin, Esq., he issued an arrest warrant on nothing!! On my not handing him a passport. Wow, such a “crime”!! Because I protected myself from not sleeping on the streets of New York. Because I ensured that my kid would someday have a father to turn to that is not homeless or dead. I want you to understand that I have no family in the US. I only have three friends that would be willing to have me stay in the house for a few weeks and they are all in different states. This criminal who is acting as a purported Judge, that day, ordered my death. He convicted my kid to a life without a father. Judge D’Alessandro is, therefore, in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to show impartiality, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law.



43. Judge D’Alessandro alleged that he was concerned that I might take my son outside of the United States is a lie. He had already confiscated my son’s passport. There was no way I could do something like that and I would never separate my son from his mother. Yet, my wife, through the bullying of Judge D’Alessandro, has no problem separating me from my son. This is the unequivocal sign of a psychopath that the Judge is in league with as part of the ongoing association in fact with the wife’s attorney.

   a. Judge: “…parenting time is suspended until further order of the Court because I don’t know where he lives.” I live where you sent me, in the streets of New York. You threw me in the streets and then you took my son away cause I was unable to sustain a dwelling. (December 22, 2014 Transcript pg. 31 , line 23).

   b. Judge: “…I think he said he was making $150,000 a year. You’ve now told me that he’s unemployed. I have no explanation for how he was employed earning 150,000 last month and, lo and behold, 30 days later he’s unemployed.” (December 22, 2014 Transcript, pg. 32, lines 6-10)

       Because Judge D’Alessandro left me homeless and without ability to see my child, thus, de facto terminating my parental rights, Judge D’Alessandro is, therefore, in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to show impartiality, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law.


44.  Judge D’Alessandro threw me out of my apartment with only 24 hr notice. On Nov. 14, 2014 I had told the judge I would lose my job if he did that. I did lose my $120,000 per year job.

  c. Judge: “I suspended all parenting time [including phone parenting time] because I don’t know where the gentleman is and because he’s violated a Court order by not surrendering his passport.” This alone has to have this Judge stripped of his chair and jailed. The Judge continues with insane reasoning on page 33, line 8 of the December 22, 2014 transcript.

  d. Judge: “…I’ve learned today that there is another summary proceeding pending against Miss L----- for nonpayment of rent.”

This was a further false representation by Defendant’s own attorneys. The rent was fully paid for December 2014 and in my settlement offer I had agreed to continue paying rent. More lies by a corrupt Judge. Judge D’Alessandro is, therefore, in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to show impartiality, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law. He needs to be removed from my case immediately.

  e. Judge: “…second time the Court is faced with a woman who did not work throughout most of the marriage….”

This incompetent Judge did not even bother to read our statements. My wife has been working for 7 out of the 10 years of our marriage and was earning $75,000 just 3 years ago. She recently received job offers at the same income. Judge D’Alessandro is, therefore, in violation of New Jersey Code of Judicial Conduct, Canons 1, 2 and 3 for failing to uphold the law, failing to show impartiality, failing to uphold competence in the law, and for failing to follow the law.

45. Till my last breath, for the rest of my life, I will make sure that everyone knows the crimes Judge D’Alessandro committed in 2014, turning a civil case into a botched criminal proceeding against the father of a 3 year old son; a father who has never committed a crime in his life and never committed violence against his wife. I will fight for my son till I see him or till I die. Your failing corrupt system, your criminal Judge will not keep me away from him. My son deserves a father. If necessary, I and others will find Judge D’Alessandro’s home and protest in front of it every Saturday morning, calling the Judge out to answer why he is a child abuser.



Very truly yours,




John C--------


