The Judge Daniel D’Alessandro Case FM-09-1928-14A

Iam a professional that has worked for the US Federal and State Government as a consultant for 13 years. With an FBI clearance, access to children’s records, and access to sensitive government information. I have no criminal record, no record of abuse of any kind, I have only received one traffic ticket in my life.

January 2014: I inform my (for 3 years voluntarily unemployed) ex-wife of my intent to separate. She threatens to kidnap my son to another State if I proceed.

I offer the option to not get a divorce till our child turns 4 (for 2 years), for me to maintain her health insurance coverage, and for us to live in separate apartments in order to reduce tension around my son while we both stay in his life. I offer to cover 90% of her expenses (60% of my net income) supporting her to work a few hours a week from home. She threatens me that if I move out of the apartment she will accuse me of abandoning them, and take my child to another State where “your son will not consider you his father anymore.”

I continue paying all of her expenses and supporting my son financially.

April 15 2014: I file for divorce following 10 years of marriage requesting joint legal and joint residential custody of my 3yr old son. There was no foul play, no violence, no child abuse. It was the best that could be done for my son.

I continue paying all of her expenses and supporting my son financially.

July 10 2014: My ex threatens me with a fraudulent restraining order. Her psychological and physical abuse becomes a daily phenomenon. Fearing my wife’s dilatory actions against my freedoms and well being and unable to operate at work due to the daily psychological abuse, I temporarily move to a hotel. I continue paying 90% of my ex/son’s expenses visiting my son every other day.

I continue paying all of her expenses and supporting my son financially.

July 15 2014: I exhaust my savings and find an apartment right next to our home so I can be close to my son.

I continue paying all of her expenses and supporting my son financially.

July 16 2014: I receive a letter that on July 10, right on the day I moved out, Brad Micklin submitted a temporary support motion requesting 93% of my NET income. My attorney fees skyrocket, I end up being unable to pay my son’s rent or my rent, I go bankrupt, I breakdown unable to work seeing I would soon end up in jail. I quit my job and leave the United States in fear of my freedom. I send my ex the attached letter.

I continue paying all of her expenses and supporting my son financially.

July 17/August 3 2014: While abroad, I borrow money and continue to pay 90% of my son’s/wife’s expenses while trying to come to reason with my ex-wife. I offer my spouse 50% of my previous net income monthly as alimony/child support. – My spouse originally agrees. After Brad Micklin reviews my offer she backs down.

I continue paying all of her expenses and supporting my son financially.

August 3 2014: I receive unprecedented financial support from family and friends. I decide to return to the US and fight for my son knowing I will end up in jail. My ex-wife refuses to let me see my son. My attorneys fail to give me practical advice.

I continue paying all of her expenses and supporting my son financially.

August 27 2014: My ex-wife files a certification to the Court stating "The Plaintiff does not have the ability to care for our son. The Plaintiff should not be given physical custody of Alexander until he undergoes a psychological evaluation to confirm whether he is fit to care for our son. If the Plaintiff is then deemed able to care for our son, it is respectfully requested that the parties receive joint legal custody of Alexander and Plaintiff's shall receive liberal and reasonable parenting time each week, not to exceed 2-3 days per week and Plaintiff shall not receive overnight parenting time." Apparently for 3 years there was no issue about my parenting abilities but magically when I file for divorce I become an unfit parent and I don;t even deserve overnights with my kid. Sounds legit.

I continue paying all of her expenses and supporting my son financially.

September 5 2014: 1st hearing. Judge D’Alessandro punishes me with supervised visitation. Instead of viewing my leaving the US as an act of desperation, of a beaten down man that was trying to escape the 3 year long emotional and financial abuse, instead of carefully reading my letter to my ex, Alessandro takes my parental rights away under the sophistry of supervised visitation.

My fears come true, Alessandro awards 84% of my net income to my ex wife as temporary support for an unknown amount of time. He tops this up with ordering me to pay $7,500 of the attorney fees my ex wife incurred due to the temporary support motion SHE filed.

I continue paying all of her expenses and supporting my son financially.

September 2014: The person violently tasked to be my supervisor informs me that he is unable to travel 1.5 hours every other day so I can see my son. I am forced to spend time with my son under the “supervision” of my vindictive bitter wife. My ex harasses me and my son in-front of me every time we meet. The nightmare continues. I inform the Judge who totally ignores my pleas.

October 1 2014: Pro Se, I file a motion to regain my parental rights…with “proof” that I am not a threat to my son. I try to claim back access to a happy kid that I raised for 3 years without Allessandro having to “protect” him.

I continue paying all of her expenses and supporting my son financially.

November 7 2014: I find a new job with a lesser but still substantial income. First payment is to land December 10 2014. I am able to cover only 25% of my ex-wife’s expenses for October.

November 14 2014: Hearing is held about regaining my parental rights. To avoid my gainining back my parental rights, Brad Micklin convinces my wife to not pay her rent for October (claiming I did not pay my entire temporary support), stages an eviction, and requests my immediate arrest. Alessandro turns the parental rights hearing into a threat chamber, threatening to put me in jail if I don’t come up with tens of thousands within 3 days. He ignores my motion. My parental rights remain violated.


November 18 2014: I attend Court without a belt, without shoe laces, without a cellphone, only with a piece of paper with telephones scribbled on it, ready to go to jail to prove that I cannot afford the ridiculous orders. Alessandro orders for me to:

1."surrender" possession of my apartment to my ex-wife throwing me on the street besides informing him that this will lead to my losing my job since I had nowhere to go,

2."surrender" all of my December 10 salary via probation

3.“surrender” my passports

4.continue paying $6,600 per month to my ex of which I have none my ex’s attorney fees,

6.grants Brad Micklin the right to request a warrant for my arrest if I do not comply with any of the above.

I have no family in the US. No one to turn to for shelter. Knowing that I will go to jail in a few days, lose my job, and have no escape from the country (following my passport surrender) when and if my wife ever let’s me out, I disappear and become a fugitive. Civil Action Order 2014.11.18

December 5 2014: We agree with my wife to settle. I offer my wife $16,000 in cash and 35% of my net income monthly for 5 years 25% thereafter (with a minimum $2,350 in temporary support per month) in return of joint physical/legal custody of my son. We agree to settle in a few days. I hire an attorney to take care of the process. Brad Micklin delays settlement for 43 days, I spend all of my borrowed lump sum money to attorney fees. Brad Micklin torpedoes the settlement. I am broke again and in debt.

December 22 2014: Hearing is held about my new request for parenting time and to put pressure on Brad Micklin to stop delaying the settlement process. D’Alessandro ignores it and issues “a warrant for my arrest for failure to surrender his passports.” In addition he bans my son from even coming in contact with me over Skype. Civil Action Order 2015.01.06

January 2015: I refuse to continue borrowing in order to pay my voluntarily unemployed wife; with money that she uses to keep me away from my son. Besides her prior pleas on how difficult it would be for her to find a job after all these years….she finds a $100,000 job within 20 days following my seizing to submit payment.

February 2015: I send a letter to my ex-wife’s friends pleading with them to put some sense in her to stop the child abuse. A good few send words of support. Most of them ignore it. They listen to her lies, support her to alienate my son from me, they sit by and tell her she is right while our child is hurting. Joanna Days, Deborah Anderson, Amy Terrell, Trudy Winkler, they are all taking part in abusing my son.

April 3 2015: I file a complaint to the Advisory Committee on Judicial conduct against Daniel D’Alessandro. complaint

April 25 2015: I publish which receives the endorsement of the Father’s Right Movement and the FCLU. The site receives over 1,600 visitors in the first 30 days.

May 2015: In order to shut me down, Judge D’Alessandro sends the police to my previous apartment. I am nowhere to be found. I contact the police over the phone only to find out that I am considered a potential threat to Judge D’Alessandro, to a man who took away a father from a 3 yr old, a child abuser. The terror tactics continue. I remain totally unfazed, I have nothing to lose and I start re-building my life from nothing.

The Judge stands clever enough to not issue a gag order against this web site which would have landed him on the first page of Washington Post and of the Bergen Dispatch like it did with Judge Nancy Sivilli on December 21 2014 (Federal Judge Finds NJ Family Court Gag Order Violates First Amendment)

May 7 2015: I file an Attorney Ethics Grievance against Brad Micklin for violating 6 of the NJ Rules of Professional conduct. The Grievance is docketed on November 15 2015. Brad Micklin is currently actively under investigation for his crimes. The investigating attorney promptly contacts me and interviews me. A recommendation is due on April 2016.

July 21 2015: The divorce is issued. It is a financial disaster for my ex-wife. After my ex-wife's attorney Brad Micklin realizes that I am no where to be found and that he will not get a single penny from me, after realizing that he has sucked dry all the financial resources of my ex-wife, he decides to let his victim go. Following the public ridicule I effected on Daniel D'Alessandro he issues a 26 page Judgment of Divorce where he clumsily tries to explain why he took my son away listing laws as supporting evidence that he clearly violated.

Daniel D'Alessandro issues financial support terms that are 20-25% lower than what I was offering in my settlement to my ex-wife. His combined alimony/child support order is $4,000 less than what he unconstitutionaly had been asking me to pay for an indefinite amount of time as temporary support.

Lesson learned. Publicly exposing the Judge of his corruption and withdrawal of funds from the attorneys equals an exit from this corrupt system (see tip 75 Unfortunately, I was unable to prevent the greatest crime. My ex-wife is awarded full custody of my son. But this is something she would have gotten anyway while I was in jail.

Judge D'Alessandro copied and pasted the proposed findings from my ex-wife's attorney submission. I publish here the Judgment of Divorce with responses to the 34 fact falsifications the Judge made against me.

February 1 2016: I file a Motion for Parenting Time with the Court where I reveal my location and address (in Europe) and I am requesting the following:

1. Change Custody arrangements. Granting the parties joint legal custody.

2. Change parenting arrangements. Enabling my son to receive unsupervised, unconstrained, face to face time with his father.

3. Recall the civil warrant issued on January 6, 2015 for the Plaintiff’s “failure” to surrender his passport.

January 2020: After years of my seeing my son via Skype once per week, I reached out to my ex wife recommending we start consultation sessions in case we can find a way for my son to have me in his life. On the phone my wife responds to this proposal "what I really want more than aything, is for you to dissapear from the face of the earth". I manage to convince her after several hours for us to start the consultation sessions, I pay for everything, I arrange verything. When the social worker in our first session asks my ex wife "what is it that you want to feel safety in order to let John see his son, her response is: "Money". Ok I say I can give X amount. My ex wife goes "No, I want you to become uncomfortable, I want you to give more money than you can afford, and after 5 years when you continue paying that amount, your son will know that even though you were not with him, you were supporting him financialy." And of course she is not saying, pay X amount and you will get to see him. No, just start paying.

August 2020:After tens of hours of consultations, the discussions go no where. My ex wife has no argument, no reason, no willingness to find a solution. What she wants is to "go back", read every email, read every text message and have endless discussions with no meaning. Instead of finding a solution. Contact